• Strategy + Execution

Our solutions are the targeted means to an end that you define.

Today's business owner often prides himself in his vision-casting and decision-making ability.  You're where you are today because you excel at your craft and have built something great.  But without a trusted advisor in your corner with the ability to work in tandem with other key professionals, even the best planners will encounter obstacles that have the power to disrupt everything they've built.

Explore our solutions below and contact us to discuss your particular needs.

Our Philosophy
For Future Flexibility

Executive Compensation

Frankly, there are benefits you can provide to yourself and your key employees that you are not required to provide to your rank and file.  Not surprisingly, however, many business owners simply don't know what these vehicles are or who to approach for proper education.

Whether you have excess cash in an operating account or are looking for creative ways to benefit of your "future" self, we'll put clarity to the options at your disposal which (for relatively minimal outlay, we might add) can yield major tax advantages, the flexibility of no "lock-in" contracts, and a unique power of retention that will separate you from your competitors.

Let's Talk
For Your Team's Peace of Mind

Retirement Plans

In the incredibly tight employment market as of late, an employer needs all the help he/she can get in retaining a high-quality workforce.  Most business owners know (in theory) that having an employer-sponsored retirement plan is a physical asset, but they often ignore the emotional component that's awarded to their employees, and many simply aren't even aware that they qualify for such a plan.

While many financial advisors steer clear of start-up plans altogether, or go MIA for fear of the maintenance they often require, we cherish the opportunity to properly implement and/or oversee these plans, because we want you to not only take advantage of the tax-related and bottom-line benefits - we also want your people to know that you have their back.

Let's Talk
For the Next Generation

Business Succession

Your business, like all businesses, must face the inevitability that you will one day not be at its helm.  Alarmingly, most businesses fail to reach the next generation; their owners mistakenly presume as an organic process what is, in reality, one that requires careful consideration and planning, often resulting in being sold at at extreme discount, litigated, or disbanded altogether.

We'll help you articulate and put structure to your intentions for the "post-you" phase of business.  Working with qualified estate planning attorneys, we'll ensure that your net worth isn't entirely wrapped up in the business itself and execute a properly funded buy/sell agreement, protecting your family from your untimely incapacitation or passing, so your eventual exit will be on your terms.

Let's Talk
For Knowing Where You Stand

Business Valuation

We haven't met a single business owner who didn't want to know what his/her business was truly worth.  In fact, we believe that business owners owe it to themselves and their families to know this, given that it's more likely than not a cornerstone of their personal financial worlds.

Whether your business is in a period of substantial growth, undergoing a change in leadership or primary direction, preparing for a sale or acquisition, or you're simply updating your personal estate plan, our comprehensive business valuation process will yield "living and breathing" reports that speak to the multiples that are specific to your business, ranked relative to your peers, and which ensure that your buy/sell agreement and other operative documents are appropriately supported.

Let's Talk